Clockwork 1.14 with Server-Timing released

Published at Friday, May 5th 2017 by its

Server Timing is a new W3C specification for a standardized way of reporting simple server-side performance metrics. While only supported in Chrome at the moment, this is a first step towards a better native cross-browser profiling tools for server-side.

Clockwork will send your app and database timings and up to 10 timeline events by default. You can change this limit or disable this feature entirely in the Clockwork configuration file. It's a good idea to limit the number of sent events to avoid sending large headers.

Server Timing display in Chrome network tab

Thanks to Jonathan Garbee for bringing this spec to my attention. If you have any new feature ideas yourself, please feel free to share them on GitHub.

In addition to this feature, I included a few bug fixes, including a fix for compatibility with Lumen 5.4 and PHP 5.3. Read the full changelog.

This also marks the last 1.x release as I turn my attention to a new major version. I have some cool new features and improvements planned, including switching to a Sqlite data storage by default. The current flat-file storage will still be supported if your installation lacks Sqlite support.

I am also finally dropping PHP 5.3 support, with PHP 5.4 or 5.6 becoming the new minimal required version. Don't worry though, the Clockwork Chrome extension will support the 1.x version indefinitely.